My images are not disappearing, what can I do?

Not all templates are compatible with the app from scratch. The customizing needed won’t take more than 5 minutes, and if you like we do it for you. If your Images are not disappearing it's most likely that you got the selector setting wrong. Check the "Finding your thumbnail selector" article to see how to identify the right one!

My images are disappearing, but not reappearing, what can I do?

If this happens it means, that you got the selector right, but the image-id is missing on your images. Our app needs the ids to know which images to show. Hop over to the documentation to see how to add the id to your images.

What if I have several variant options, by which option are the images selected?

We support up to three options for assigning images to variants! Check the app Settings to select which options you want to be relevant for the image assignment.
Also make sure, that you keep the order of the options across your products, so that e.g. color is always option 1.

How is the Order of the images determined?

The order of images is determined by the order of images in the shopify product screen. This app doesn't have any influence on the order of images, because the images are still rendered by your theme, not by the app.

My main image is not switching, what can I do?

The switching of the main image is not handled by our app, but by your theme. Make sure you have assigned the default variant images in the shopify product screen for this to work.

Why do all images show up before they get filtered?

Shopify allows apps only to run once the entire page is loaded, so we can only filter once all images are available.

How do I identify the container for my thumbnail images (Thumbnail selector setting)?

The VIP will only work for Shopify themes where product thumbnails are used. Usually, thumbnails are rendered into the site in the “product.liquid” file, a product-template section or a image-gallery.liquid snippet or similar. Look for the element surrounding all thumbnails (the first shared parent)

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